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Interstitial Fluid (ISF - The Internal Sea for Life)


Body Fluids
Extracellular Fluids (ECF)
Interstitial Fluid (ISF)
Cell Transport
Hydrostatics Property of ISF
From Sea to ISF + blood/lymph
Photosynthesis - Respiration (2024 Review)

Body Fluids

Some theories on the "Origin of Life" suggest that life arose from the sea. Specific environment varies according to different scenario. It could be in hydrothermal mounds or tidal pool (see "f" and "e" in Figure 01). While composition of the ancient sea 4 billion years ago could be different from the present; very recent sample shows that it is not much different from the interstitial fluid bathing all cells in multicellular organisms, i.e., it is salty with lot of Na+ and Cl- ions (Figure 02). The importance of interstitial fluid was observed back to 1887 by Claude Bernard. Its role has been
Origin of Life Sea Water and ISF reinforced in modern time by such similarity. While unicelluar organisms can acquire nutrients and expel waste directly in aquatic environment, they could not survive on dry surfaces with a humidity of less than 10%. The same situation is applicable to the cells in multicelluar organisms which solve the problem with the "Internal Sea" in the form of Interstitial Fluid (ISF).

Figure 01 Origin of Life
[view large image]

Figure 02 Sea Water and Body Fluids,
Composition [view large image]

Figure 02 also shows that the fluid composition inside the cell (Intracellular Fluid, ICF) is quite different from sea water as the constituents are altered by the metabolic process of life.

In human body, about 60% (in weight) is fluid on average. It varies between female and male, and also depends on age from 100% in fetus to about
Body Fluids 40% in the elderly (Figure 03). There are two kinds of body fluids, namely, the intracellular (ICF) and extracellular (ECF) which is further categorized into plasma and interstitial fluid (ISF). Since the source of ISF is derived from the plasma, they have essentially the same composition with lower concentration of proteins in ISF (Figure 02). In addition, small amount of lymph in the lymphatic system and sometimes TSF (Transcellular Fluids such as cerebrospinal, ocular and joint fluids ) are also included into the ECF in some accounting. The composition of ICF varies depending on the type of organ. As illustrated in Figure 03, the lungs contains 90% water while the bones are very dry at 22%.

Figure 03 Body Fluids
[view large image]


Extracellular Fluids (ECF)

As shown in Figure 04 (left), there are four types of tissue, which are groups of cells that have a similar shape and function. They are the epithelium, muscle, nervous, and connective. Different types of tissues can be found in different organs. Connective tissue maintains the form of organs throughout the body. It provides a matrix that supports and physically connects other tissues and cells together in organs. This extracellular matrix (ECM) includes the basement membrane [sheet-like layer secreted by the epi(on)-, endo(within)-, thelial(layer) cells on which it sits], and fibrous
Connective Tissue and Extracellular Matrix (ECM) proteins called interstitial matrix. It acts as a compression buffer against the stress placed on the ECM as shown in Figure 04 (right). The interstitial fluid (ISF) is another component that fills the rest of the ECM space providing a vital service for the maintenance of life. Nutrient and waste from and to the ISF must diffuse across the basement membrane or through gaps (for the discontinuous type, see Figure 05) to be absorbed by the cells.

Figure 04 Connective Tissue and (ECM) Extracellular Matrix [view large image]

epi-: prefix taken from the Greek that means "on, upon, at, by, near, over, on top of, toward, against, among."

As shown in Figure 06, the ISF is part of the extracellular fluid, which includes the plasma. The plasma is the carrier to deliver nutrient (collected from the lungs and small intestine) and to drain waste (back to the lungs and excretory system). composition of plasma is 90% water, the rest includes nutrients, hormones, waste products, and proteins. It is the heart that provides the pressure to move the plasma to the arteries - capillaries - veins. The capillaries (Figure 05) are the sites where nutrient passes to the ISF and waste back at the other end.
Types of Capillaries Global View of ECF The exchange is facilitated through the difference between the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures (see Figure 06, top). About 2% of the ISF is drained via the lymphatic system, which has no pumping "heart". It depends on body movements to force the fluid into the lymphatic capillaries. All the cells in multicellular organisms obtain nutrient and remove waste through the ISF - the "Internal Sea" (serum in medical term).

Figure 05 Types of Capillaries [view large image]

Figure 06 Global View of ECF [view large image]

BTW, red blood cells and platelets cannot pass through the walls of the capillaries (too large).

Anyway since the lymphatic system doesn't have pumping action, its function can be enhanced by physical exercise which involves muscle contractions to increase circulation, reduce stagnation, and enhance immune function. Relaxation also helps because the muscles are less tense, allowing for better circulation and movement of lymphatic fluid. Activities like deep breathing, gentle massage, or even activities like yoga can contribute to a more relaxed state and support lymphatic circulation.


Interstitial Fluid (ISF)

Closer examination of the ISF reveals that it contains a mixture of nutrient and waste indicating a primitive origin of the organization. This property is a hallmark of sea water which contains all kind of substances whether it is useful or useless or even harmful to the living organisms. The selection and rejection are performed by concentration gradient or osmosis pressure. It is very inefficient similar to the three chambers heart of the amphibian, in which the deoxygenated and oxygenated blood are mixed in the ventricle before being pumped out of the heart (see more in "Different Hearts").


Cell Transport

Cell Transport The cells in various organs are at the other end of ISF running the reverse process (for capillary) of receiving nutrient and rejecting waste. There are many methods according to the kind of substance. Transport of smaller molecules depends on concentration gradient as shown in Figure 08a. Figure 08b provides a global view of the salt and water transport through the cellular membrane. The larger molecules are transported via a more elaborate process (Figure 09).

Figure 08 Cell Transport [view large image]

The three types of cellular transport for smaller molecules are explained briefly below.
In addition, macro-molecules such as some food particles have to be swallowed by endocytosis, in which the substance is enclosed by a vesicle and drawn inside. The reverse process is called exocytosis, while transcytosis refers to movement of the engulfing vesicle within the cell (Figure 09). These processes require energy to execute and actually belong to the active transport category.



Oedema Edema is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in ISF manifesting as swelling. The amount of ISF is determined by the balance of fluid homeostasis, which controls the proportion of plasma and ISF in the ECF to a range of (20% - 25%) and (80% - 75%) respectively. The increased secretion of fluid into ISF, or the impaired removal of the fluid, can cause the condition. The symptoms vary according to the location where the swelling occur (see article by "Mayo Clinic").

Figure 10 Oedema [view large image]

Figure 10 shows a case of leg swelling caused by blocking or loss of the lymphatic capillary.


Hydrostatics Property of ISF

Unlike blood flow along the arteries and veins forced by the action of the heart pump, the interstitial fluid (ISF) is static in nature. It follows the principle of hydrostatics, from which the hydraulic action is derived. Accordingly, ISF can transmit hydrostatic pressure from one point to another. An example is the action of the needle in acupuncture, which generates fluid pressure or pushing/shearing force to clear up any blockage (Figure 11).
Acupuncture Hydrostatic Pressure Transmission While the effect of mechanical force on embryonic development has been demonstrated conclusively by many experiments. The most common examples of hydrostatic pressure transmission are the various kinds of massage, which facilitate the circulation of interstitial fluid by mechanical force. Meditation helps to promote recycling of the fluid by relaxing the muscles as well as the mind. Qi-gang directs the pressure to move along a direction (need supervision to prevent blockage or bleeding through wrong pathway). Then some forms of martial art use the internal fluid pressure against external force (Figure 12).

Figure 11 Acupuncture

Figure 12 Hydrostatic Pressure Transmission, Effect of

See also ""Mechano-transduction".


From the Sea to ISF + blood/lymph

Hydrostatic Pressure Transmission Blood/Lymph Vessels All single-celled protozoa use the above mentioned mechanism (the various kinds of transport) to acquire nutrition and expel waste. Each cell in mulit-cellular animals (see main branch in Figure 17) also runs in this way. However, those cells are no longer in a "sea water" environment, their life now depends on the Interstitial Fluid (ISF) which is supplemented by some sort of circulatory system (via heart, blood, and lymph, see Figure 18 for an advanced system) and getting more sophisticated in more advanced phyla as the animals evolved. The following table summarizes how it is done by different phyla starting from the very primitive sponges with none of those apparatuses.

Figure 17 Animal Evolution
[view large image]

Figure 18 Blood/Lymph Vessels

Animal Circulatory System Heart Blood Lymph
Sponges The amoeboid cells (having changeable shape) within the wall act as a circulatory device to transport nutrients and wastes from cell to cell. This is something liike "personal service", no need for ISF. No No No
Cnidarians Nutrients and wastes in ISF are passed by diffusion to the rest of the body from gastrodermis cells. No No No
Flatworms Since the body is flattened, nutrients are easily passed by diffusion from cell to cell via ISF. No No No
Roundworms Nutrients and waste are distributed in the body cavity as ISF, whose contents are regulated by one-celled glands or excretory canal along each side of the body. No No No
Mollusks - Clam/Snail They have heart that pumps blue blood (containing pigment hemocyanin instead of red hemoglobin) which leaks from the vessels into sinuses once in the organs. Yes Blue blood into sinuses No
Mollusks - Octopus Octopuses have blue blood and 3 hearts, 2 at the end of each gills; they pump blood through the gills. The third heart pumps blood through the rest of the body. 3 hearts Blue blood No
Annelids The earthworm has an extensive closed circulatory system. Hemoglobin-containing blood moves anteriorly in a dorsal blood vessel and then is pumped by five pairs of hearts into a ventral blood vessel. As the ventral blood vessel takes blood toward the posterior regions of the worm's body, it gives off branches in every segment. 5 pairs of hearts Yes No
Arthropods They have an open circulatory system. Colorless blood is pumped dorsally from the heart and then enters sinuses and hemocoel, where it comes in direct contact with the tissues (see cockroach) Yes Colorless blood Yes
See gene-expression. 2023
The echinoderms have an open circulatory system. They have no heart. Coelomic fluid, circulated by ciliary action, performs many of the normal functions of a circulatory system. The system consists of a central ring canal and radial canals extending along each arm. Water (via the tube feet) circulates through these structures allowing for gas, nutrient, and waste exchange. ~ Cardiac stomach ~ Coelomic fluid No
Fishes The heart of a fish is a simple pump, and the blood flows through the chambers, including a non-divided atrium and ventricle, to the gills only. Oxygenated blood leaves the gills and goes to the body proper. Yes,
2 chambers
cold blooded
Some; see
"Fish SVS"
Amphibians Their circulatory system now changes to refresh the blood by lung with a 3 chambers heart, which is not very efficient by mixing purified and dirty blood there. So the blood receives further oxygenation by Cutaneous Gas Exchange via the skin. Yes,
3 chambers
cold blooded
Reptiles Construction of the 3 chambers is different from the amphibians' with the 3rd isolated from the lung. It is for diving in aquatic species, e.g., in sea turtles and sea snakes, bypassing the lungs could prevent gas entering the blood stream to avoid sickness. Yes,
3 chambers
cold blooded
Lymph heart
Birds The avian heart resembles the Mammalian (human) heart, with four chambers and valves. However, the inner walls of the atria and ventricles are smoother in birds than in humans, and the avian valves are simpler than their mammalian counterparts. Yes,
4 chambers
warm blooded
Lymph heart - flightless birds
Mammals The 4 chambers illustration shows that the left half of the mammalian heart differs considerably from the right half. It is found that the mammalian heart is evolved from the primaeval fish's by difference in gene expressions showing the unity in life. Yes,
4 chambers
warm blooded
Yes, see
lymphatic System

Table 01 Circulatory System of Mulit-cellular Animals

The progression from simple transport in single cell bacteria to very complicated circulatory system in human reflects just a part of the evolution of life. They are actually the living fossils of the process. The fact that they are still around today can be attributed to the principle of "Darwinian Evolution", which asserts that life exits in whatever niche available giving enough time for adoption and section. That was a brilliant idea back in 1859. Over the intervening years, further insight about life has been accumulated as of the 21st century now.


Photosynthesis - Respiration (2024 Review)

Ultimately, it is the Sun which supplies the energy to sustain the living world in an non-equlibrium state. As shown in Figure 20, the process starts with photosynthesis in plant, which produces glucose in the following reaction (aka Photosynthesis-Respiration equation) :

Respiration runs in the reversed direction by animals to maintain the active life. Here's more details about the process :

ATP in Action
  • Energy infusion has a rather uncertain consequence; too much of it will kill the organism, while too little would stifle it. The ATP is the ingenious adoption to optimize the amount. It carries the energy by the phosphate bond in a fixed amount of about 0.32 ev. The energy is delivered only to where it is needed via an unique binding site as shown by Figure 19 for a very simple example of attaching an amino acid to tRNA.
  • Figure 19 ATP in Action [view large image]

  • The un-used energy is re-emitted back to the environment as dissipative heat (entropy). The diffision efficiency depends on the ratio of area/volume, the more the better. Pent-up heat would kill the organism.

  • Eco-cycle
  • Thus, the most important item should be the ATP - the battery of life. Nothing will move without the supply of such free energy to run the show.
  • Virus lacks the ability to make ATP, hence it depends on the host to come alive.
  • It turns out that ATP is made from oxygen and glucose in the mitochondrion. While glucose is the product of photosynthesis (which also makes ATP in its first step) . The ultimate source of free energy is from the Sun as shown in Figure 20.
  • So the first living organism has to be a simple monera bacterium such as the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) capable of converting Sun light into glucose.
  • Figure 20 Eco-cycle [view large image]

  • The ATP synthase is the machine to make ATP. It involves a very sophisticated mechanism called active transport using molecular motor.

  • There are 3 items on the left side of the Photosynthesis-Respiration equation and 2 more on the right-hand side. They are the minimum requirements for the existence of the living world. The followings provides a brief description for each one :