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Law (about charge and electric field), the Ampere's Law (about current and magnetic field), and the Faraday's Law (a relationship between E and B), see Figure 02. Faraday's observation has inspired J. C. Maxwell to assemble these laws into a consistent set of equations in 1865 and is now known as Maxwell's equations. The disturbance of the electromagnetic fields was subsequently identified as the light wave in optics (see wave equations below). | ||
Figure 01 Electro-magnetism |
Figure 02 Maxwell's Equations |
Electromagnetic Wave Equations : |
The origin of EM basic can be traced back to Newton's law of Universal Gravitation in 1686. It states that the force : FG = - GmM/r2, where m and M are the two point masses, r the distance between them, G is a proportional constant known as gravitational constant, which was determined by the Cavendish Experiment (Figure 03) in 1797 to have a value of 6.74x10-8 cm3/gm-sec2 (vs 6.67x10-8 cm3/gm-sec2 in 2014). Similarly, the force between two electric charges was postulated to have the form : Fe = keqQ/r2, | |
Figure 03 Gravitational Constant [view large image] |
where q and Q are the two point charges, r the distance between them. The proportional constant ke was measured by torsion balance similar to the Cavendish Experiment. |
| |
Figure 04 Some Dielectric Constant K |
The same kind of mathematical scheme has also been applied to the case of force per unit length between two infinitely long, parallel wires separated by a distance r and carrying currents I and I' : dFm/dl = 2km(I I')/r (see Figure 05), where I and I' are in unit of statampere (amp) = 1 /sec (one unit of charge passing a given point per second). | |
Figure 05 Currents Interaction [view large image] |
By comparing the magnitude of Fe and dFm/dl for known charges and currents, it is found that ke/km = c2 (velocity of light c = 3x1010 cm/sec). |
The electric field E of a point charge Q can be defined by re-writing the force Fe = qE, in which, E = (Q/r2) is the electric field by the charge Q in unit of /cm2. The electric potential is defined by : . A test particle with charge q would have a potential energy EP = qV (see Figure 07, both V and Ep are scalars while E and Fe are vectors). V = EP/q is the voltage, i.e., potential energy per unit charge. It is always measured across 2 points in the form of difference, i.e., V = Vab = Va - Vb = I R : | ||
Figure 06 Permeability List [view large image] |
Figure 07 Field and Potential |
Inside dielectric medium, the electric field is replaced by the displacement field D = KE to take care the unknown composition within the material (the K here is the dimensionless dielectric constant, but denoted by most textbooks as - a rather confusing practice). Similarly for the magnetic field B inside diamagnetic (r < 1, repulsive) and paramagnetic (r > 1, attractive) materials, it is replace by the magnetizing field H = rB (most textbooks would use instead of r). Ferromagnetic material retains magnetization (induced magnetic dipole) after the external field is removed (Fogire 08). | |
Figure 08 Ferromagnetization [view large image] |
Electromagnetic wave is the propagation of the vibrational E and B fields : . |
charge density , i.e. E = (Figure 09b and see Figure 10 for some formulas of vector analysis in three different coordinate systems). Sometimes the solution can be obtained readily by integrating the divergence over a volume. As shown in Figure 11, the Gauss' Theorem transforms the volume integral to a surface integral, from which some examples for its | |||
Figure 09 Coulomb's Law |
Figure 10 Vector Formulas |
Figure 11 Gauss' Theoerm |
application are shown in the followings. The surface enclosing the volume is called Gaussian Surface. |
Figure 12 Gaussian Surface |
The factor of 40 disappears in the spherical surface integration because we adopt the statcoulomb as the unit of charge (see comments on Fe). | Figure 13 Capacitance |
Figure 13a Multipole Expansion [view large image] |
The curl of a vector function A, i.e., (A) is about going around a looped path as shown in Figure 14, which illustrates the process with the four sides of a rectangle on the y-z plane. A little bit more imagination would be able to generalize the concept to 3-D space (see Figure 10 for the expressions in three different coordinate systems). The Ampere's Law identifies the vector function to be the magnetic field and the change is related to the source/sink of electric current passing through the surface enclosed by the loop, i.e., B = J/c, where J is the current density in unit of C/cm2-sec. This is in analogy to the "divergence" in which the vector function goes through a closed surface and the source/sink is the charge within the enclosed volume. So the Ampere's Law is prescribed in a formulation one dimension lower and its corresponding integral form is performed on a surface enclosed by the loop (see Figure 02) and derivation below. | ||
Figure 14 Curl of Vector [view large image] |
Figure 15 Stokes' Theorem [view large image] |
| |
Figure 16 Ampere's Law, Examples |
The off axis formula is even more involved (see "Simple Analytic Expressions for the Magnetic Field of a Circular Current Loop"). |
It should be labeled as Gauss's Law for magnetism. Simply put, the divergence of the magnetic field B is always zero, i.e., B = 0. There is no such thing as magnetic charge although there are plenty of magnetic dipoles. Conceptually, both the E / B fields and qe(electric charge) / qe(magnetic charge) are respectively components of a vector in a 2 dimensional EM space (Figure 17). The rotational transformation between the components leaves the Maxwell's equation unchanged (i.e., invariant, see "Magnetic Monopole"). In the real world, such symmetry is somehow broken. This is very strange for someone who believes "Physics is Beautiful". Theoretical physicists | |
Figure 17 EM Space |
have pondered and experimentalists have searched for its existence without success for 2 centuries. Somehow this law has to be there, or the electromagnetic wave equation would not have its current form (see above). |
The backward EMF actually acts like a time varying voltage, i.e., - = VL, oscillating between positive and negative according to whether the flux is increasing or decreasing, i.e., d/dt > 0 or <0. There are many ways to change , the most common method is to rotate either the coil or the magnet (Figure 18,b and c). All processes involve the transfer of mechanical to electrical energy. | |
Figure 18 Electromotive Force [view large image] |
Here's a few examples to illustrate the process and its applications. |
Figure 19 Inductor in DC [view large image] |
Figure 20 Inductor in AC [view large image] |
Then = -VL = -(1/c)d/dt = -(L/c) dI/dt, where VL is the voltage across the indictor. The variation of VL in a DC circuit with load R is plotted in Figure 19. |
(L/c)d2Q/dt2 + Q/C = 0. This is in the form of standard harmonic oscillator, the solution of which is : Q = Q0 cos(0t). Differentiating it once yields I = I0 sin(0t), where I0 = 0Q0, and 0 = (c/LC)1/2 is the resonant frequency. | |
Figure 21 LC Circuit |
If we inject either charge to C or magnetic flux to L, current will oscillate back and fore in the circuit forever as shown in the animation of Figure 21. This feature is used most commonly in tuning radio transmitters and receivers. There is no prefect conductor with no heat loss, the equation in the real world is the next example. |
For AC voltage source V = V0sin(t) with arbitrary frequency , the solution takes the form : I = V0 sin(t-) / {R2 + [L/c-(1/C)]2}1/2 , where = tan-1{[(L/c)-(1/C)]/R}. | |
Figure 22 RLC Circuit |
Z = {R2 + [L/c-(1/C)]2}1/2 is called the electric impedance. It is the extension of electric resistance to AC circuit. The stringing sequence of these electrical elements is called series connection. |
Figure 23 Electric Generator, DC |
Figure 24 Electric Generator, AC [view animation] |
Figure 25 Electric Generator, Types [view large image] |
Figure 26 Electric Generator, Hydro [view large image] |
should carry no current. Unbalanced currents (between the 3 phases) would cause erratic operation, over heat, and low efficient. In most cases, the electrical company (supplier of the three-phase power voltage) would fed each customer from one of these phases and the neutral, different customers in the same area are connected to different phases, but share the same neutral. The number of connected properties are arranged such that each phase has a load similar to the rest, that is, the load is balanced (or almost balanced) for the three-phase system with no returning current in the neutral wire (Figure 27a). | |
Figure 27a Three Phase Power Distribution |
Figure 27c Turbine |
This is the basic for the principle of transformer operation which becomes indispensable for many applications. The formulas are for ideal condition with no heat loss. This is not the case in the real world as witness by the warm touch of the thing. Figure 29 lists a few of its daily usages. The very important application is on the electricity transmission. | ||
Figure 28 Transformer |
Figure 29 Transformer Usages [view large imgae] |
But its most ubiquitous use is in the AC/DC adapter, in which the transformer steps down the voltage and then restricts the current to flow in uni-direction by a rectifier made with diode. |
the transmission line, which can be very significant. Now if the voltage is step-up at the supplying side and then step-down at the point of consumption with the ratio a = (Np/Ns) as stated above; then the power formula becomes PR = [a2R/(a2R+RC)]PV PV, if a2R >> RC, that is, almost no power loss during the transmission (see Figure 30 for such arrangement). | |
Figure 30 Power Transmission [view large imgae] |
Figure 31 Electric Motor, DC |
Figure 32 Lorentz Force |
and now comes the electric car. It has been promoted as the green technology good for the environment. It only requires plug-in to the AC |
Table 01 List of Resitivity |
The effect of electric current in human body depends on the environment (wet or dry), the posture of contact ( path of current flow inside the body), and the voltage and electric resistance R = /A of the body. Figure 33a shows the effect of current in terms of its magnitude, Figure 33b shows the resistance values of different body parts. For example (in Canada), the household AC voltage is 120 V, for the averaged body resistance of 1000 ohms, the current flow through the body would be I = 120/1000 = 0.12 Amp = 120 mA, which could be fatal if the flow lasts more than 1 second according to Figure 33c. The damaging voltage is about 30 volts for 30 mA to cause suffocation (Figure 33,a). | |
Figure 33 Resistance, Human Body [view large imgae] |
| |
Figure 34 Protection against Faulty Electric [view large imgae] |