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Figure 01 Photo-Electric Effect [view large image] |
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Figure 02 Nanowires News |
within a waveguide |
The role of excitation timing jitter, spectral diffusion, and pure dephasing in limiting visibilities over the temporal extent of the photon is investigated using additional measurements of the coherence and line-width of the emitted photons (see Figure 03). | |
Figure 03 Single Photon Generation [view large image] |
BTW, "on-chip" means that the component is built on the chip (IC) itself, i.e. on the same silicon substrate together with things like transistors, resistors, capacitors, coils...etc, and the mass of a QD ~ 10-18 gm |
" Low Dark Count Rate: They have a low rate of false signals (dark counts), which is crucial for applications requiring high signal-to-noise ratios. " Fast Timing Resolution: With the ability to resolve the timing of photon detection down to picoseconds, SNSPDs are suitable for high-speed applications. " Short Recovery Times: They can quickly recover between detection events, allowing for high counting rates, which is beneficial for communication and computing applications. " Broad Spectral Range: SNSPDs can detect photons across a wide range of wavelengths, from infrared to visible light. | |
Figure 04 Nanowires Detector [view large image] |
" Low Timing Jitter: The precision in timing measurements is high, which is important for accurate time-correlated photon counting. |
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Figure 05 Single Photon Circuit [view large image] |
The boson can be virtual (appearing only for a fleeting moment in between 2 fermions according to the uncertainty principle as in Figure 06,a), or real as the the Compton scattering in Figure 06,b. The idea has been generalized to all the fundamental interactions (weak and strong, see "Standard Model") shown in Figure 06,c. | |
Figure 06 Feynman Diagrams [view large image] |
7. Single-Photon Sources and Detectors The development of reliable single-photon sources and detectors is critical for all these applications. " Single-Photon Sources: Devices like quantum dots, color centers in diamonds, and spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) sources. " Single-Photon Detectors: Advanced detectors such as superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) and avalanche photodiodes (APDs) offer high efficiency and low noise. Conclusion The application of single photons in various fields is rapidly advancing due to their | |
Figure 07 Quantum Technology [view large image] |
fundamental role in quantum technologies. As research and development continue, we can expect significant breakthroughs and new applications that leverage the unique properties of single photons to transform industries and expand our understanding of the quantum world. |
Electromagnetic Wave (Classical Concept) : An electromagnetic wave is described classically by Maxwell's equations. These equations govern the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in space and time. When solving Maxwell's equations for free space (no charges or currents), you obtain wave-like solutions that represent the propagation of electric and magnetic field disturbances - these are the classical electromagnetic waves. | |
Figure 08 Maxwell Equations [view large image] |
The EM wave and formulas are shown in Figure 09 (u = E or B), where T = period, and = wave-length. Polarization refers to the orientation of the oscillations of the electric or magnetic field vector. Phase refers to the relative position (usually the origin) of the wave at a given point in time and space. | |
Figure 09 EM Wave |
Even though polarization is a classical concepts, it plays a crucial roles in the context of single photons and quantum information. |
It is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes how the quantum state of a physical system changes over time. However, it is non-relativistic and primarily applies to particles with mass. The situation with photons, which are massless particles that always travel at the speed of light, is quite different. Hence, the wave function should not be associated to photons. Relativistic means the formulation is invariant under the Lorentz transformation of space-time. | |
Figure 10 Wave Function |
Figure 10 shows the Schrödinger Equation where , V the potential acting on the particle, and m is the mass. The wave function could be bound (Figure 10,a) or free (for V = 0). |
There is more confusion with the entanglement of 2 photons in Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC, see Figure 11). After pondering the problem for a whole day, here's the discussion with ChatGPT (which did not offer a satisfactory explanation previously) : I think the confusion about the massless photon in entanglement is due to the different facets it manifests in different circumstances. For example, it is an electromagnetic wave in diffraction; it is a massless boson in the calculation of cross-section for many QED processes, and then in entanglement like SPDC it is the byproduct of a composite system like the pump photon. What do you think? | |
Figure 11 SPDC |
2. Weak Interaction: " Gauge bosons: W and Z bosons " Responsible for processes like beta decay in nuclei. 3. Strong Interaction (QCD): " Gauge bosons: Gluons " Governs interactions between quarks and gluons within protons, neutrons, and other hadrons. 4. Matter Particles: " Fermions: Quarks and leptons, organized into three generations. | |
Figure 12 Standard Model |
All the particles in SM are point-like without internal structure. The photon is in the U(1) Unitary Group (see Figure 12). |